Post Latin State Convention Thoughts and Updates— 2024
This past weekend, 88 members of the Health Careers Latin Club journeyed to Anderson High School in Austin for the annual convention of the Texas State Junior Classical League. They won over 100 individual awards in academic, performance, art, and athletic contests, and brought home our 20th state championship in the past 22 years! More importantly, the kids got to frolic in the fields at Zilker park, meet new friends from across the state, bond with their classmates, and make some great memories :)
A full list of results is being published in the school newsletter, but here I wanted to recognize some very important people:
Our parent volunteers: Deepti Sharan, Linard Arocha, Taner Kaya, Gemma Gomez, and Tim and Julie Brown. Their help was absolutely essential to pulling this all off. Thank you so, so much!
I also want to extend huge thanks to our alumnae who came to help out: Bella Brown, whose whole family is a part of this Club, Emma Buhrman, who comes to every single event we have, and Ainsely Weiss, who literally flew down from college in Iowa just to chaperone this event. You are incredible.
Our state officers: Area B Chair Ahvani Pant and President Baala Shakya, who did great work this year helping to run things at the state level.
Our Club officers: Senior Consul Syriana Martinez, Junior Consul Noah Lopez, Aedile Zerrin Kaya, Quaestor Mithra Viswanathan, Praetor John Kurt Penalber, Historiator Alyssa Mestrovich, Tribune Arpita Biswal, and Retiaria Ariana Chaudhary, who have put in SO much work to keep the club running smoothly and doing awesome things this year. Mr. Chu and I are so grateful to you for your hard work and leadership this year.
Huge shout-out to all of our category leaders, who taught their students well this year and reaped the rewards of seeing them do so well at State Convention. You are the engine that is the reason for this Club's success.
I also wanted to mention that the Texas Senior Classical League (TXSCL, the college version of our organization) held elections at State convention, and ALL of next year's officers are going to be former Health Careers Latin Club members. These will be: Ainsley Weiss (President), Syriana Martinez (Vice-President), Mithra Viswanathan (Secretary), Gabrielle Dearlove (Treasurer), Bella Brown (Parliamentarian), and Alyssa Mestrovich (Historian). Congratulations and thank you for continuing to support the JCL in college!
This Latin Club is a family and a community that stays vibrant because of the care that people put into it, and people stay connected to the program long after they graduate because of the relationships they built over the course of their years together with us. Let's keep this thing going!
Mr. Chu and I will be coming at you very soon with information about Nationals (July 21-27), so be on the lookout for that.
We will also be announcing officer elections for next year coming up very soon. If you want to pass along the inspiration that your officers have gifted to you, please consider running for Club office for next year!
Also, we will be letting you know, kids, about our upcoming field trip going back to Austin to visit the Blanton Art Museum and the Ransom Center on the campus of the University of Texas, which will be on April 27. We'll tell you how you can sign up soon in class.
If you would like to have an email address added to or removed from this listserv, or if you have any questions, please let us know!