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Nationals Meeting #5

NJCL 2024 (7/17): Pre-Departure Meeting!

#1: Make sure to read through the pre-departure slideshow shared earlier this week and presented on Wednesday.  It has a LOT of important information and links you should be familiar with.

#2: Keep an eye out for emails and notifications from the NJCL office, like links to register for creative arts contests and especially invitations to use the Sched app, the digital convention program.  Emails will be more common as we get closer to convention.

#3: Families, if you'd like periodic updates during convention, join our NJCL Family Remind by following these instructions or using this direct linkThis is for family members not going on the trip.  The HCHS and Clark travelers have their own methods of communication during convention.

#4: If you need to address something with me that would best be handled in person (e.g. Shani needs to pick up a piece of art from me), I'll be available in the HCHS library from 10 am to noon this Friday, 7/19.

#5: Meet at the HCHS bus loop this Saturday, July 20 by 7:30 PM in the evening.  Please don't be late.

July 12

Nationals Meeting #4

July 20

Latin Nationals Convention